As I went driving home from freshwater station around 11:30pm of March 3, 2008, I was trying to recall the conversation I had with my friend Jun Fresco, whom I also consider as my business mentor. We talked a lot of things from have-beens to what's up and future plans.
I'm glad to have the chance to talk with him that time in as much as he's always out of the country working as a seaman, his main business. Being friends, we used to share ideas. His stories were something that I really pondered because they bear significance.
From our conversation, he has told me the story of hidden opportunities. He narrated that opportunities are everywhere for man to tap. Since it was not used and being neglected, the opportunities gathered and talk among themselves. They decided to keep themselves from people. They planned to be hidden at the heart of the ocean but there's a thought that it can be dove by a great diver. Another option was to hide it at the top of the highest mountain but they were hesitant that it can be climbed by the great mountaineer. So, afraid to be discovered, they decided to be hidden right at the very being of man. If a man will have to search for opportunity, he will realize that that is there inside of him.
He also told me about the quality on an eagle. Unlike any bird, an eagle flies alone soaring great heights. You cannot see them flock because an eagle is like a leader who is able to make big things even alone. He can act alone and not afraid to fly high. He sees everything up there.
He also mentioned about taking action right away of the ideas that we encounter. Even simple ideas can grow if we allow ourselves to move. I see this when he jumped into making the This was a very simple yet great idea when put into reality. I remember when he first shared this to me. I told myself, "Huh! That's something difficult." But I myself has seen the realization of his dream being the creator of the now growing Indeed, he has made his dream possible because he believed that he can do it. It was his passion being a mariner to help his fellow seaman to be close to employers and agencies. Now his website can now be accessed by anybody most especially of his same profession. His idea can be thought by anybody but nobody acted.