Thursday, September 23, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
There's a lot of things that had happened; my batch gathered, I was assigned in Alabel, I met my High school classmate and friend and here I am, in McGregor Marbel.
I always believe that there's a reason for every happening in my life; may it be small, regular or big. And it's the little things I do that bring me to what I am right now.
In our reunion, we had so much fun. Sharon came home so we connected with our batchmates to gather. I was informed by Rey so I informed others too. I'm thankful that I met my friends before. They have changed in some ways but there's something that remained-the spirit of togetherness. We belong in our batch because there will be no other batch for us. It's only batch 1993. I'm praying that wherever we are leading, we remain to be good to each other, help each other and recognize each other. That simple thing can make me happy.
In Alabel, I was able to discharge my duties and responsibilities well. I was surprise to meet Jermine, my classmate too. I informed him about our gathering and he was pleased to know it.
When I came home last night, it was brown out. But I'm happy to see Angelo growing. He has grown big within just 2 months. He can smile and laugh already. I hope the coming days will be brighter and merrier than before.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
New Home

Home is where we belong. Home is where the heart is. Home sweet home.
These are some of the lines I hear about home and it's true, I feel relaxed and recharged being at home. I also knew that a house is different from a home. A house is only a structure while a home is a dwelling place where love and peace reign. It's the spirit that makes a house a home. Without it, it's only a house.
Just recently, I was able to realize one of my dreams, to build a home not for myself but for others. I've been away from home many times. So many times too that I've been blessed by the homes that welcomed me in many places I've reached. It was my longing that in my own little way, I could welcome others too in a place called home. After a couple of months, my dream was finally completed with the blessing that happened on February 13, 2010 in Baldostamon Subd., Koronadal City. It was attended by some of my officemates most especially by Sir Mon and his better half Ma'am Norma. I would like to thank him for the pictures he cordially took. Because of him, I'm able to share with you vividly what took place.
I offer this home most especially to Angelo, my nephew who's been my inspiration in putting up this peace shelter, he just turned one month old last Feb 16, may he grow God-fearing, to my parents who have been by my side since birth, who nurtured me in a simple home that gave me so much ideas, to my sisters who made me feel a unique person, to my true friends who always believed in me, to my officemates who shared joy with me and to all my relatives who made all good wishes and ultimately to our Heavenly Father who provided everything for the completion of my project. To Him be the glory forever and ever!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Then came Angelo
I was so excited coming home this morning. I was eager to see Angelo, my first nephew who just came to this world just a week ago, last Saturday. When I left home for work last Sunday, I was anxious that the weekend will come soon. That was really my feeling. I haven't been to my destination but I wanted to go back already. There were thoughts that I wanted to file for leave of absence just to be with Angelo but that was a stupid idea I thought. I was worried when the doctor said that he will be given a dose of antibiotic because his birth was delayed for several hours. He might get infection according to the doctor. He was crying every now and then last week. It was so depressing. Nevertheless, I just prayed. In this kind of situation, I need to be strong as well as my family. I learned that in time of depression, I need to be brave to survive. When I asked my sister through text, I was relieved knowing that Angelo did well. Seeing him strong and well this morning makes me really smile. He's so cute with his dimple. His skin is fair and hairy. His nose looks like my father which is good because Papang has a high chiseled nose. His eyes look like his Daddy Roger. Mamang said his broad forehead looks like hers.
Angelo's presence gave us feeling of happiness. His cute smile amazes us. The moment he opens his eyes, it makes us wonder what he is seeing. I can always think of how miraculous life is the moment he's in my arms. With his coming, it gives us once again the opportunity to dream big and makes big plans. Giving him a name Ernesto Angelo makes his Lolo feel proud and fulfilled. Indeed, God gave Angelo to spark in us that His promise of hope never ends. Life evolves and will continue from generation to generation.
Monday, January 4, 2010
After All

Last night, I was at home watching EWTN. I saw in the video the path Jesus took when He was in the Holy Land doing His ministry. It was amazing seeing the synagogue, St. Peter's House, the jar used in the wedding feast at Cana, Mt. Tabor where the transfiguration took place, Mt. Olives where Jesus taught the Beatitudes, Sea of Galilee, the well where Mama Mary and Jesus fetch water and many holy places touched by our Lord Jesus Christ. I really felt humble seeing those places. There was a feeling of contentment deep in my heart knowing that those places bear witness of our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ. According to the narrators, those places and some of the things existed way back 100 B.C. The Jordan river where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist looks calm, clear and refreshing.
The Bible tells a lot of story about Jesus and seeing the setting in the video gives me a clear picture how the things happened.
The word of God says that everything will pass. Only His words will remain. The world is in constant change but some places and things may have changed due to the passage of time. Their age only tells that once, they have been part of God's salvation of human kind. From the Bible, Jesus told us about three things that will last - faith, hope and love but the greatest of them is love.
Sometimes, I forget these things due to circumstances I encounter but it doesn't diminish God's Love. If I fix my eyes on heavenly things, I feel that everything is useful and meaningful. Everything will end but after all, we are content in God's loving embrace.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
For two consecutive days, I woke up early and drove towards the oval of the sports complex. I made 3 rounds of continued jogging then 4 rounds of combined brisk walking and jogging. It really feels great when you sweat. I felt my loads were released. My system got back to normal. I feel light, no more back pains and I can move easily.
Jogging is a miracle. It releases a lot of tension. It made me more alert and motivated to get back to work. I hope I can maintain this routine for the whole year.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
My New Year's Wish
My number one wish is for my family to be ready for the challenges that will come this year. We are expecting a new angel that is why he will be named Angelo. May his coming be a wonderful gift to us. May his life be a blessing that will give us joy and contentment. I'm really praying that my sister will give birth normally. May our family grow with compassion by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Secondly, I wish that my work will give me an opportunity to grow. I truly believe that it is a gift from God. May I humbly perform my duties and responsibilities to the best that I can.
And lastly, I wish that the weather will be good for our Country. On May 11, 2010 will be the presidential election. May the people vote the right leader that will truly serve the people fairly.