Have you heard of global warming? I'm sure you did. Do you understand what is it? Well, it is the warming of our planet. Wonder why?
This has made me to investigate further for if indeed it will affect our lives, it is one question we have to give importance. Not only that, we are already experiencing its effects. We just don't notice or know that it is already global warming.
Global warming is the measurable increases in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses. Scientists believe Earth is currently facing a period of rapid warming brought on by rising levels of heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Greenhouse gases retain the radiant energy (heat) provided to Earth by the Sun in a process known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases occur naturally, and without them the planet would be too cold to sustain life as we know it. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1700s, however, human activities have added more and more of these gases into the atmosphere. For example, levels of carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, have risen by 35 percent since 1750, largely from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. With more greenhouse gases in the mix, the atmosphere acts like a thickening blanket and traps more heat.
The result: The melting of polar ice caps causing ocean levels to rise flooding coastal areas. It could also affect weather patterns causing, among other problems, prolonged drought or increased flooding in some of the world's leading agricultural regions.
In our own little way, we can help solve this problem. Let us preserve and plant more trees. We should spread awareness in our society about reduction of greenhouse gases emission. The use of plant derived fuels like ethanol and biodiesel should be encouraged. Working out a plan to promote energy-saving fluorescent light bulbs instead of less-efficient incandescent light bulbs is beneficial.
Our institution, during anniversary celebration has promoted tree planting activities all over the country. Here in Koronadal City, more than two months ago, we did it in Brgy. Carpenter Hill. Last year, we planted more seedlings in Bentung Sulit, Polomolok. It was a simple, funny yet worthy and united activity for Mother Earth… saving lives.
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