Now that I'm coping with the recent changes, I have enumerated some necessities in my mind, to mention: my transportation, my boarding house, my clothing, my food, my communication, etc. How will I acquire them being away? I have to sacrifice the extravagance of feeling sufficient in my home. I can't bring everything that I have or else I will be carrying a very heavy baggage. All I have to do is to sort out what are important. The rest, I have to be resourceful. Along the way, I have experienced that God is there to fill what I need in various ways.
I can't believe that that I have eaten my dinner with my long-time-no-see brod in Gen. Santos. I can't believe that I'm here in Alabel in the house of my high school classmate who offered this temporary accommodation. I can't believe that I have met my former classmates in high school at the wake of the father of our classmate. What a wonderful experience that God has accomplished in this moment of my life! I know that this is not an accident. I believe that He has a purpose and has laid out everything for me. I need not worry what I will eat, where I will stay, what I will wear. He will provide everything that I need. I have witnessed all this things happening in my life and it's always on time (if not, I might have died of hunger, cold or of whatever).
All I need is to acknowledge that He is mighty and able to meet my needs and I am one of His instruments to accomplish His mighty works.
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