Looking back at the rafting experience we have had, it was filled with so much fun and adventure. The rapids were important factor for that feeling of excitement. Without the rapids, the voyage would turn out to be plain paddling. At first, whenever we got to approach the rapids, I was so afraid. I felt I might fall out of the raft. As we went along, I got adjusted and used to the shake. Without the rapids, the experience would not be thrilling.
The rapids are noisy, energetic and rowdy. They are shallow compared to still waters. They are created by the boulders and the volume of water that flows through it. Rapids are the difficult situations along the river. It may cause you to spill out of the raft or worse it might capsize the vessel. But rapids aren’t something to be dealt with fear rather it should be welcomed with fun and delight.
A whirlwind kind of rapids will cause the vessel to turn around. It may get you dizzy. Some rapids will give you surprise. They say passing through what they call “surprise” rapids get some vessels tossed and turned up side down spilling out those on board. It’s scary. Our experience was different. We got tossed several times and I felt there’s no end to it. My gosh! It’s really frightening. When we were tossed upward I seemed to get off balanced. But we were reminded to get our feet tucked at the beam of the raft. Fortunately, we never got overturned.
The river is a very good illustration of our lives. We move along the river path, whether we like it or not. The current will bring us somewhere. There will be moments in still waters; there will be rapids. Life isn’t always journeying in still waters. Sometimes, we pass by the rapids. Life is not always easy. At times, it may be difficult. Sometimes we feel bored along the still waters but sometimes the rapids will give way for excitement. Along the river, we seem to have no choice. But we do have choice. We can set the sail of our raft. We can paddle forward or backward. We can go along with the tide so that we can rest paddling for a while. When the rapids seem to be turbulent, hold your head up high. Never be afraid. Get excited! It may give us some setbacks but if we never stop, we will overcome the difficult situations and we will emerge stronger than before.
Let’s welcome the rapids of our lives!
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