It was a one fine day. I never expected that an accident would happen. It was our LBP 46th anniversary. We had wellness activities held in South Cotabato Gymnasium. I actively participated in “Karakasa” which is a kind of exercise similar to “Taebo”. I was happy seeing my colleagues from different branches. Some of whom I befriended when I was assigned in their branches. It was a lot of fun and energy that my T-shirt was soaked with sweat. After watching the volleyball game I decided to go home to change my shirt. When I reached home I felt a different kind of heat on my face. I drank water to be relieved but the sensation never faded. I washed my face. I felt a little comfort. I drove towards the gym but upon reaching the overpass downtown, there was a Nissan Patrol car in the fast lane signaling to turn right. I was on the slow lane but I was moving fast. I saw the signal quite late that applying break would cause my motorcycle to be skid or tumble. I moved fast not to hit the car but I hit the shoulder of the road. There and then, my motorcycle fell. I hit my eyebrow somewhere. It was lacerated irregularly. My three front teeth were broken. One was severely fractured. A tricycle driver brought me to the nearest hospital. From the mirror of the tricycle, I saw my terrible face, my damaged teeth and blood in my mouth and face flowing.
I should have taken heed of some the signs I have encountered. The different heat I felt when I arrived home should have given a sense to sit or relax for a short while and never be too in a hurry. If not for hurrying, I could have avoided the accident. The helmet that I usually wear should have made me think twice of not going to drive.
In the hospital, I was grateful that I was given immediate attention. My lacerated skin in my eyebrow was stitched. My other bruises were cleansed and treated. A little later, my father and Ate Elsa arrived to attend to my situation. I am grateful to them. Some of my officemates visited to see my condition. I was happy to see them.
I am glad that during those times, I was comforted by the people who knew me. I felt love and the situation became easy to bear. I applied for a 5-day sick leave. I am happy that today I’m on the 6th day of my recovery. I give thanks to God for sparing my life and giving me another chance to continue living. The situation I’ve been through made my faith stronger than before. I know how painful it was for Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. His sacred heart has saved me not only in my accident but my sinful spirit too. I was reminded that life is short indeed. It should be lived well for others. I cannot be proud of anything – good looks can vanish in a split of a second. Health and wealth can be taken by God anytime. It was a humbling experience. My injuries were nothing compared to what Jesus suffered. God was bruised more than I bruised, all to offer His life for us.
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